Bhapa Doi (Steamed Yoghurt)
There were days as a kid, i always wondered about Ma’s life, the hardships, friends, her classmates, and her answer to most of the questions about their whereabouts, were “janina re” or I don”t know. The child in me used to feel bad and believed that it won’t happen to me.
Little did i know that, universe was smiling from far.
Today, in my adultverse, I have made thousands of friends, drifted apart from hundreds, evolved into different version at every intersection. Even with the wave of connectivity that my generation have access to, I hardly have connection with my classmates or know about them. So Ma’s Janina wasn’t because lack of connection, but just an indication of growing up and being a version of yourself everyday.
As much as its about living the life, its also about leaving the life ❤️ .
Khejur Gur Doi or Steamed Yoghurt with Palm Jaggery for our own journey of unearthing