Coconut Oil: The Wonder Oil

Coconut Oil: The Wonder Oil

Coconut is natures best gift to humankind. Scientifically called the Cocos Nucifera, coconut has a lot to offer. It is used for its water, oil, milk and tasty meat. 

Native to the tropical regions, coconuts have been part of our kitchens since ancient times. From desserts to curries to chutneys, this wonder fruit has been used to add taste and goodness to our foods. Coconut is considered auspicious in India, and it also forms part of Hindu religious practices. 

The oil derived from this miracle fruit is a popular fat choice because of its rich flavour and adaptable properties. It is a creamy white-solid fat that turns clear when heated. Moreover, this oil solidifies at room temperature. The oil consists of medium-chain fatty acids, such as caprylic acid, capric acid and lauric acid. Besides being used for cooking, this oil has also found application in cosmetics and detergent production. However, as it consists of high levels of saturated fat, health experts warn against its excessive consumption. 

From hair products to deodorants to foods, coconut oil has many uses. As a result, it is fast gaining popularity around the globe for a host of benefits it has to offer. 

What makes coconut oil different from other plant-based oils is that it contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). These MCTs are nothing but a kind of fat and are, in fact, responsible for coconut oils health benefits. 

Different studies have shown various health benefits of coconut oil. And thats precisely the reason why coconut oil should be made a part of your everyday life. 

Coconut oil has no fibre and cholesterol. Only traces of minerals, vitamins, and plant sterols are found in coconut oil. Plant sterols aid in blocking the absorption of cholesterol in the body. It also gives a boost to good cholesterol. It also helps in relieving symptoms of Arthritis. 

Besides curbing the appetite, coconut oil helps in reducing belly fat, strengthening your immune system and keeping heart diseases at bay. Believe it or not, it has also shown positive results in preventing or delaying dementia and Alzheimers disease in a few studies. It also improves brain function and boosts bone health. 

Coconut oil has also shown effectiveness in facilitating wound healing. In addition, due to its anti-bacterial properties, it is also helpful in treating infections. 


How to use coconut oil 

As mentioned above, coconut oil has a lot to offer. Its usage to cook meals is primarily known. However, coconut oil is also beneficial for your skin, hair, and teeth. Coconut oil has been used by our nanis and dadis to moisturise the skin. It is also helpful in protecting your skin from the suns UV rays. Coconut oil can also be used to treat chapped lips. It also makes for an excellent eye make-up remover. 

Not only this, coconut oil is a powerful weapon in preventing plaque, gum disease and tooth decay. In fact, swishing, also called oil pulling, with coconut oil is the latest fad these days. 

This wonder oil is also suitable for hair. Massaging your scalp with coconut oil helps promote healthy hair.  


The purity test 

We live in times when food adulteration is rampant. Hence, we cannot trust every product available in the market. Just like other foods, coconut oil is not free from impurity. So, how to check if the coconut oil you have purchased is pure? Heres a simple test. All you need to do is take some portion of coconut oil in a glass jar and place it in the fridge for about half an hour. If the oil is pure, then it will solidify. If it is adulterated, the mixed oils will form a separate layer. 


The how and how much, explained 

There are many ways to include this miracle oil in your diet. For a long time,
Edible Oils, coconut oil has been used for cooking food in areas where this tree is a native. But, apart from cooking oil, it can also be used as an alternative to butter in baking. Using coconut oil, you can make baked goods, such as cakes, cookies, and brownies. Just replace the suggested oil with melted coconut oil at a 1:1 ratio.

You can also sauté or stir-fry vegetables, eggs, meat, or fish in coconut oil. It can also be mixed into sauces and salad dressings. 

Also, a teaspoon of coconut oil can be added to your drinks like tea, coffee, and smoothies if you wish to include it in your diet. 

Supplements are another way to make coconut oil a part of your food habit. Still, supplements contain 13 g per capsule, and a person would have to take 13 pills to get the equivalent of 1 tbsp of coconut oil. 

A word of caution here. Coconut oil is rich in saturated fat. Therefore, it is crucial to know how much quantity is appropriate for consumption. 

It is also high in calories. When consumed in larger quantities, it may increase the risk of coronary heart diseases. Researchers have found that 30 ml or 2 tablespoons of coconut oil per day can benefit. 


If you are keen to add coconut oil to your diet, it is recommended to start with 0.5 tbsp and increase it to 1.5 tbsp per day. 


Coconut oil and skincare 

Coconut oil carries the benefit of youthful skin. If research is proof, coconut oil may be just the beauty secret your skin needs. 


Few benefits of using oil instead of other chemicals include reducing inflammation and preventing infections. In addition, coconut oil is a natural moisturiser, especially for your face. It is gentle on sensitive areas such as the eyes and lips. 


While you are keen on including this wonder oil in your beauty regime, an important thing here is to ensure that you use organic coconut oil such as unrefined, virgin or extra virgin.  

It is advised to avoid oil refined by chemical processes as it may be harsh on your skin. 

Coconut oil prepared using the cold-pressed technique contains more fatty acids and compounds beneficial to the skin. 

Heres the bottom line: Using coconut oil in your skincare routine is easy and relatively inexpensive, and it works best for very dry, chafed, or flaky skin. 


Why Slow Bazaar? 

As mentioned above, adulterated coconut oil can do more harm than good to your body. Hence, it is advisable to look for products in the market that are entirely adulteration free. Slow Bazaar ensures quality products while using premium fruit to prepare high-quality cold-pressed coconut oil. The nutty flavour and antioxidant retention are the two main reasons why Slow Bazaar prepares the coconut oil using this technique. 

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